Wednesday, November 26, 2008

TDP - Overdoing It

We returned last evening from Ann Arbor, where Tom had a bone biopsy of his spine. They're pretty sure it's cancer, but want to be absolutely certain before custom designing his treatment. Results won't be in until the middle of next week due to the two-day holiday this week.

Procedure took about an hour and a half, with them shifting him in and out of a CT scan to help them determine the exact site of the biopsy. He even has these black Sharpie marks on his back showing where to take the biopsy. He assured me before his morning shower that the marks were made with non-permanent marker. Hah! He has lovely black very-permanent dots in the center of his back! Not a problem, said pragmatic Tom - "I can't see them anyways."

Tom was given what they call "conscious sedation," meaning that he was almost asleep but could be wakened if the doctors had questions. He remembers falling asleep completely during one of the CT scans (they do several), but that's normal for Tom - he can fall asleep almost anywhere.

The doctors' instructions told him to limit his activity to zero for 24 to 48 hours, but he was feeling okay this morning and did the stuff he would usually do - walk down to the mailbox, vacuum the living room, last minute grocery shopping for Thanksgiving. But by early evening, he realized he'd overdone it and has headed off to an early bedtime. He never was good at listening to instructions . . . but I love him anyways.

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