Friday, February 13, 2009

TDP - Feeling Better

Just a quick update on how Tom's doing, as we've had several friends ask post-chemo.

He's doing much better than we expected. The first ten days after chemo were difficult - extreme lethargy culminating in several naps a day, the resulting lack of energy, difficulty in getting minimal food down, severe indigestion accompanied by pain, etc. etc. etc.

But he made it through that time without nausea, thanks to the several different medications his oncologist gave him. This past weekend we started noticing several good signs - he was eating more both in quantity and in frequency, his indigestion was much less, he's not taking more than a nap a day (and yesterday no nap at all!!!), pain has lessened noticeably, and his energy level has improved. So whatever is happening inside all those cells, it's making Tom's life better.

Yesterday he spent much of the day on his own, running errands and shopping. Well, maybe we should call is drool-shopping, since he wandered into a tool supply house and dinked around for a couple hours drooling over all the fabulous tools he covets. He had a great time doing the guy-thing, I had a great time catching up on much-needed housework, and all is well in Pulsipher-land.

That he could even manage a full day out and about, driving, walking, and talking for several hours is a major accomplishment. Two weeks ago that was impossible, even pre-chemo. But now things are looking up, and he's feeling better.

Just in time for his chemo treatment next week - but since each time can be different, we've decided not to worry about it, and to deal with each change with strength and perseverance. We've come this far, and we're ready to go farther.

God Bless all of you for your prayers. Prayers work, and Tom is proof.


Dena said...

Beautiful! Big Smile. With each round he should be getting better since the chemo seems to be the ticket to kick this monster in the butt. ((((HUGS)))))) and prayers to/for you both.

alice said...

Great news, Beth. More power to you and Tom!

And Happy Valentine's Day!